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Monday, September 21, 2015

Food for thought

When I met my husband I was surprised at just how many racist comments he made about minorities, because he was an otherwise very kind and thoughtful person. Being Hispanic I found this very unsettling. Growing up my parents never really made any racist remarks. If anything they stressed the importance of not judging a group by an individual, because people in their lives had experienced racism first hand. The area I grew up in was also not divided by race but more so by income. The minorities in our area were just as well of if not more so than the majority so there wasn't really any room for judgement. Over time my husband then boyfriend and I talked about how these remarks were offensive and just not really accurate. He has made leaps and bounds in these five years. One of those being that he realized that these types of comments were just learned behavior. He had heard these views growing up and do he incorporated them into his world view. Additionally, a member of his family had a negative experience with one person from a particular group which had only added to the miconseptions he already had. He is working hard to break himself of these preconceived notions so as not to negatively influence our future children. Either way all that being said I found this article very interesting. I think a good amount of racism is learned and a large reason that it is taught is to explain to the majority group why they themselves are failing. Please read and share thought...

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